Write a letter to a book publisher for ordering some books
88/Kunj Vihar,
8th August, 200X
M/s. Maruti Prakashan
Han Nagar, Meerut
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for your prompt response to my enquiry and sending of the latest Catalogue of your books.
I shall feel obliged if you can send me the following books, preferably by some bearer of yours.
1. Refresher Course in Science (for 10th Class) 3 Copies
2. New Course English Digdarshan (for 10th Class) 3 Copies
3. New Course Hindi Digdarshan (for 10th Class) 3 Copies
I am enclosing a crossed Demand Draft of Rs. 1620.00 (Rupees Sixteen hundred twenty only) drawn in favour of the Diamond Pocket Books Pvt. Ltd. after deducting the 15% towards discount which you allow on a purchase of more than Rs. 1000.00.
Kindly acknowledge the receipt of the D/D and acceptance of my order on the phone and also tell me when I am likely to receive these books at the earliest by a bearer of yours.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Kamlesh Dewan