English, asked by Anonymous, 3 months ago

Write a letter to a bookseller, asking him to send you the following books by post:
1. The Concise Oxford Dictionary - 1 copy
2. Tales from Far and Near - 1 copy
3. A Bunch of Old Letters by Nehru - 1 copy
4. University School Competition - 1 copy.


Answered by adhikarirupesh70



Rowling street  


October 1, 2018

The Manager

M/s English Book Depot  

Sector – 17


Subject:  Purchase order for books


I wish to place a bulk order for the supply of books for the school library for the academic session 2018-2019. The particulars of the books to be purchased and their quantity to be supplied are given below:

S.no.                         Particulars                                                 Quantity

1.                             Reference Books  

                             (All subjects for classes 9 to +2)            25 pieces

2.                            All Novels of R.K Narayan                      2 pieces each                      

3.                            All Novels by J.K Rowling                       2 pieces each

4.                             Tales of Panchtatra                                5 pieces each

5.                             Shakespeare’s Plays                               3 pieces each

6.                             Power of Positive Thinking                    5 pieces

7.                             Autobiography of a Yogi                         5 pieces  

Kindly give us 25 % discount; and send the books from the fresh lot. Any defective book shall be returned. I am enclosing a cheque worth rupees 5000/- as down payment. The rest of the amount will be paid after the delivery. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly,



You can write in same format

Answered by rekhasipani1980



Rajdeep Park Society ,

Near Meera Cinema Char Rasta,



Dear man,

As I know you are a trusted and a respective book seller I want to take a some of books from you which is very important for me to study . I know you also do home delivery for no cost. I am ordering some books trough the way of this letter .

The following are the books for the same :

  1. The Concise Oxford Dictionary. - 1 copy
  2. Talesfrom Far and Near. - 1 copy
  3. - A Bunch of old letter by nehru. - 1 copy
  4. University School Competition. - 1 copy

Hope you will get my point .... And deliever me the books very soon ..

Yours thankfully,

Book buyer.

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