Write a letter to a business firm asking for their catalogue
ToThe manager,
Dear Sir,
Dear Sir,I shall be obliged by your sending me a catalogue of your publications and price list, so that I can make a selection of the books I want to purchase for our library.
Dear Sir,I shall be obliged by your sending me a catalogue of your publications and price list, so that I can make a selection of the books I want to purchase for our library.Will you please let me know whether you have Dogars Standard General Knowledg in your stock If it is not there, will you be so good as to give me the address of any other firm where the book may be available.
If it is not there, will you be so good as to give me the address of any other firm where the book may be available.Bagging to be excused for the trouble.
If it is not there, will you be so good as to give me the address of any other firm where the book may be available.Bagging to be excused for the trouble.I remain,
If it is not there, will you be so good as to give me the address of any other firm where the book may be available.Bagging to be excused for the trouble.I remain,Your faithfully,
15 – H
Young Literary Club
Green Avenue
January 13, 2020
The Manager
Jerrico Publishers
New Delhi
Subject: Send catalogue of classical stories
We are planning to buy approximately 500-1000 classical story books for our club. You are requested to send us the latest catalogue of the same. Do also mention how much discount will be given to us in case we place the order. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours truly,
Abhinandan Shukla
The Secretary
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