English, asked by shubham64472, 9 months ago

write a letter to a friend living in another city and tell her how you and your family are safe in pandubbi covid-19 and also tell her the practice that you do to keep yourself safe​


Answered by ItsMarmik


As the world is going through rough times, populations have been forced to work from home. Lock-down, remote access, work from home, #stayhomestaysafe are the new buzzwords reverberating in the air. For those individuals staying at home, they are seeing their own homes in a new light. Earlier, they used to be part-time visitors, but now they have become full-ime guests.

So the big question is, how are we managing our time during this lock-down? What are we doing? Is our new routine sleep, eat, watch television and sleep again? How long we are going to manage this routine. Boredom helps human beings try different things.

So many of us have cooked, done laundry, cleaning, ironing, cut their own hair and more. By doing so, we all were exposed to many new gadgets. We were also exposed to different levels of skills required to manage these odd jobs. On a lighter note, how many of you knew that it needs good back muscles and a nice pair of biceps to use a vacuum cleaner?

So this has shown us that managing the home is indeed a humongous task! Hats off to those who do this daily. It has also made us realise that skilled workers need a big “thank you!”. They make their jobs look so easy. A big salute to all these professionals! Which avatar did you try today? Were you a chef? Did you take on the role of a carpenter? A laundryman?



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