write a letter to a friend mentioning inspiration you get from a genendra Shumsher
Gehendra Shumsher was the son of Rana Prime Minister Bir Shumsher of Nepal. He was born in 1928. Right from his childhood he was a creative genius who looked for new innovations. He got opportunities to show hos creativity when his father became the Prime Minister of Nepal. He started to manufacture essential arms, ammunition and other things like shoes, electricity, rice mills, wind
mills, etc for the Nepali army. He encouraged to use coal and iron for making arms and weapons and did not supported the idea of importing coal from outside. He made a double barrel gun and a cannon as well. He initiated the use of hydro electricity for the first time in the country. His other inventions are a rice mill and water pump technology which drew underground water with the help of wind motor. He also made an automatic machine gun by observing British design. He was known as the first scientist of Nepal who gave many new inventions with his creativity, hard work, self determination. Thus he became an inspiration to the people of his country who had scientific skills and through hard work and determination could make them successful.