Write a letter to Central Government for pollution control day. Pls, don't write "I don't know" and "The Question"
I don't have any of the same stuff I did u send to
Dear Rt. Hon’ble Members of the Parliament,
I write this letter as there is a tremendous urgency in addressing the issue of vehicular pollution. The debate on pollution is straying far away from the prime causes of the all-pervading poisonous air which we breathe.
This is your second winter in Delhi. Your lungs are breathing in 500 to 700 RSPM c3 (Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter per cubic meter). That is 25 to 31 times the permissible limit. Mind you the WHO standards of permissible RSPM levels is 20. It not 100, as claimed by the government sources.
Pollution is a great leveler. Unlike bottled water, it affects every one of us; the rich and the poor, those living in the Lutyens Delhi and those living outside it, the Prime Minister and the laity, the Parliamentarians and the proletariat. That’s because, no matter what our wealth quotient is, science has not yet been able to create environmental incubators.