Write a letter to editor about miserable condition of orphans
Padma Pukur Pally
Bankura (or any other alt. Adress)
22nd October. 2018
The Editor
The Times of India
Kolkata (or any other alt. Adress of the editor of the news paper)
Subject: Condition of the
Respected Sir
Through the esteemed column of your daily circulated newspaper,I Anirban Bandyopadhyay, a resident of the above mentioned locality am willing to express my views on the condition of the orphans now a days.
Now a days the condition of the orphans have become very poor. The children are always exploited and are deprived of their basic requirements and hence they are leading a life full of misery. We know that the childer are the incarnations of the Almighty and if they are hurt, the Almighty is same proportionally hurt. So it is our prime duty to take care of the children may it be our own ir orphans
So it is my hearty request to the Authority that he should ponder over this problem soon and take some necessary steps before the situation becomes out of control.
Yours Truly
Anirban Bandyopadhyay