write a letter to editor of newspaper use of mask and sanitizer at crowded
The disease is real and people are dying from it. Over 1.6 million Americans have been infected and almost 100,000 have died since February.
2. There is no drug that can cure the infection once someone has it. There are some drugs used in the critical care setting which may improve survival but none are proven yet. Treatment is mostly supportive until the body fights off the infection itself.
3. Sometimes the immune system gets out of control and causes complications worse than the initial infection.
4. There is no vaccine yet to prevent or weaken infection.
5. Infected individuals are contagious to others even before they have symptoms themselves. Microscopic droplets containing virus come out of an infected person’s nose and mouth when they talk, sneeze, cough, sing, etc.and can travel at least six feet in the air.
6. Masks have been shown to reduce the number of these droplets which escape. The President’s COVID response coordinator, Dr. Birx, has this to say about masks: "What we have said to people is there is clear scientific evidence now, by all the droplet experiments that happened, and that others have done, to show that a mask does prevent droplets from reaching others," Birx said on "Fox News Sunday" when asked what she would tell people who say they have a right not to wear a mask in public.
"Out of respect for each other, as Americans that care for each other, we need to be wearing masks in public when we cannot social distance," she said.
I’m not sure how wearing a mask in public has become politicized but quarantine, social distancing, and wearing a mask in public are the only current ways to limit the spread of the virus and open up our economy without risking even more loss of life. I urge you all to respect your fellow Mainers by wearing a mask in public if social distancing is not possible.