write a letter to editor on garbage problem in your locality?
Write a letter to editor on garbage problem in your locality.
- To be remembered:-
1) mention the name of newspaper
2) Adress of writer
3) greetings or salutation
4) content of letter
5) Conclusion
6) Date
Required letter writing:-
John Baskar
Meg street
No 138
New Delhi
The editor
Hindhustan times
New Delhi
subject:-Garbage problem in the locality.
I am here to bring attention about the Garbage problem in our locality. Iam John residing at Meg Street since 6 years.
I would like to draw the kind attention of authorities towards the garbage problem in our locality. There are more 35 families are residing at Meg Street.
For the last few the environment of our locality has become unhygienic The garbage bins and footpath are overflowing with wastes.The local people throwing garbages into our street.
In our area sweepers are doesn't sweep properly, that's why many wastes are increasing day by day.The food wastes , garbages become breeding places of mosquitos.Gutters and pools of dirty water overflowing with cheap smell.If the possible steps are'nt taken area will be affected by communicative diseases.
So , please print it in your columns of esteemed daily Times to bring out this to concerned authorities.
Thank you.