English, asked by Abhijeet11111111111, 1 year ago

write a letter to editor on stagnant sewage water in our locality


Answered by sanya55
Heya!!Here is your answer friend ⤵⤵

Self Address


The Editor
The Tribune


Subject : Concern regarding the stagnant sewage water supply .

Newspapers being the cheapest and most common mode of mass communication, I ..........(Name ) a resident of...........(Place ) wish to use its full potential in creating awareness among the masses about the problems caused by the stagnant sewage water supply in our locality .

From the past few months , our locality has become the cite of filthy smell due to the stagnant sewage water supply. It continues even after reported complaints and visits to the municipal corporation. Our repeated visits to the concerned authorities have fallen on deaf ears. There is. A lack of proper water supply. Did due to this , many diseases are also spreading in our locality .

There needs to be a strict action taken by the authorities to tackle the issue as soon as possible . The municipal corporation needs to take quick action. Also the local people need to be made aware of its hazards . There needs to be a proper supply of clean usable water .

Above mentioned are the views of a laymen whose only purpose in writing this letter is to gear the concerned authorities into action.Hope my letter finds some space in the columns of your esteemed newspaper to bring the awareness among the masses.

With Regards

Yours sincerely



Hope it helps you ✌✌

sanya55: thanks for brainliest:-))
Answered by anjub039pb3eig

dear sir
            i (your name) am a residence of ( your place) am writig this letter to tell u abot the sewage is filling in our locality
               from past 3-4 days the sewage water is coming out and taking the whole road because of that we cannot walk propley 
                     i hope that u can fix the problem by calling the crew i hope you take action 

                                      thanking u                                      
                                                                                yours faithfully
                                                                                 (your name)
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