write a letter to editor showing your concern over the students of today you fell they are highly pampered and lacking in basic moral values
Here's your answer......
Greenfield-15 A
New Delhi
December 29, 2018
The Editor
The Times of India
New Delhi
Subject: Suggestions for improving education system
Dear Sir:
I write this letter to express my deep concern over the problem of students’ increasing carelessness and disinterest in the education. There are many factors that have led to this problem of students’ disinterest in education. The orthodox education system is to be blamed. The image of studies and education has been made so repulsive by the system, that children are always finding excuses to avoid it. Education is more an exploration than slogging for passing examinations, tests, and handing in assignments. However, the current system is such as education appears to be a burden. Hence, the students feel repulsive towards it.
The schools and teachers must not corrupt the joy giving pursuit of education by putting unnecessary burdens of rules and regulations on the students. The teachers must intrigue the students towards the charms of education. Learning and gaining knowledge is an adventure. Teachers must expose and reveal to the students the thrill involved in it. The classroom learning must be more interesting than the bunking experience.
The most burdensome aspect of the education system is the burden of so many books and paperwork on students. I just wonder why can’t the schools make the education system paper-free! Education should be imparted through Computer Assisted techniques. From class-room teaching to homework assignments, it should be totally computerized.
For security purpose, there must also be foolproof system to track students’ commuting to the school. There is already technology available. The sensors in the identity cards send an automated SMS to the parents confirming the arrival of their children at the school. Besides, the teachers must make the learning experience very thrilling at school. Education actually is much more charming and intriguing than the temptations of distractions, all that is required is the revelation of the magic in it.
Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper I appeal to the concerned authorities and the education policy makers to look into the problem and take prompt actions to plug the gaps.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Sorry baby 'wink'