Write a letter to god to end the pandemic
Dear God, please end the coronavirus pandemic,” wrote a boy from Germany. “And please, make my parents buy me a new iPhone and JBL speaker.”
Covid-19 may have caused tourism to the Holy Land to grind to a stop, but three times the average number of letters sent to God from around the world landed in Israel’s post office over the past 12 months. Many begged for Covid-19 to be brought under control, while others asked for repentance and -- perhaps as the result of virus-related lockdowns -- requested that new friends come into their lives, according to a statement from the post office.
Dear Lord,
Up there, or wherever you are, you must be in pain watching people suffer. It is not easy to witness human misery unfold in such devastating magnitude. People are dying in thousands without oxygen and hospital beds. Funeral pyres, regular and makeshift ones, burn without rest. Rivers carry bloated bodies and riverbeds throw up big stash of people buried with no ceremony, no dignity.
Burning human bodies probably consume more oxygen than what could have kept those consigned to flames alive. Families have lost dear ones and providers. Friends never get to keep that ‘catch up soon’ promise, and phones don’t stop delivering the bad news. Lives are damaged beyond recovery everywhere. Lord, the wailing of people in all kinds of pain must be making you restless.
Your True Devotee