English, asked by sdfdsfs7476, 10 months ago

Write a letter to new editor complaing about spread of garbage and no action taken by municipal commissiner


Answered by sakshi8918

The Municipal Commissioner,



Sub: Complaint regarding Non-cleaning of Garbage and drainage in our locality.


We regret to bring to your kind notice that the Garbage container of our locality is overflowing due to non-cleaning for many days. The rotten waste materials emanating bad smell thus making the people of the nearby area to wear a scarf around their nose. If the same condition prevails for few more days then there will be a chance of spreading disease. The condition is becoming worse day by day. We, the resident of ………………………………(name of locality) un-aware of the reason why municipality neglected our area. In addition to this, the drainage also gets blocked in several places. So, if rain occurs than it may create water logging problem too.

Therefore, It's our humbly request that the same may kindly be cleaned by today itself so that we can have a normal life soon.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Nilkanth29: pagal girl
sakshi8918: you are from
sakshi8918: ooo hello i am not pagal
Nilkanth29: why not you pagal
sakshi8918: because you have asked where i live so i answer i live in home
Nilkanth29: every man live in home pagal
sakshi8918: no some people live in bungalow
Nilkanth29: what's mean of bungalow
sakshi8918: you don't know what is bungalow
Nilkanth29: hii dear sakshi
Answered by prathnakalwani

B -402 ,Shilalekh


22 March 2019


The Editor,

India times,

Pal , New Delhi-377004

Sub - complaining about spread of garbage

Respected sir,

I am Prarthna kalwani,studying in class 10 . I want to draw your attention towards increasing garbage spread in our local area .when we complained to municipal authorities no action is observed. Due to garbage our health is affected

I hope you will help me out to solve this problem and after this municipal authorities will listen to us and take action towards it .you will publish an article on this topic in your famous newspaper

Thank you

Yours sincerely

Prarthna k

Never write name if you are writing letter in board exam

Hope it will help you

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