English, asked by manishkumar7800, 11 months ago

Write a letter to newspaper editor to control pollution from industries


Answered by YunoGasai23
Hey mate...here is your answer

From :

The Sender's Name,
Door Number and Street's Name,
Area Name,
Postal Code : XXXXXXX
Phone Number : 0000 - 123456789
E-mail ID : [email protected]

Date :

Reference :

TO :

Addressee's Name,
The Company's Name,
Full Address with Phone Number.

Subject :

Dear ____,

Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like tosuggest some measures for controlling the growing air pollution in Chennai.

First of all, all heavy vehicles (HCVs) should be banned fromentering the city. Such vehicles should stop at Transport Nagarand only light commercial vehicles (Luvs) such as tempos shouldcarry the goods to the heart of the city. T.T.C. buses and otherblue-line buses plying within the city should be replaced byelectric vans and trolleys to ferry commuters within the city.

Besides, all factories should be shifted to far-flung areas of the city. These steps along with the working of the complete Metro system in Chennai will go a long way in controlling the growing air pollution in the city. Unless such and other similar steps are taken immediately, the problem of air pollution will certainly assume serious proportions.

I hope the concerned authorities will pay prompt attention to this growing menace which is sure to jeopardize people's healthunless timely action is initiated.

Thanking you.

Yours Sincerely,

(The Sender's Signature)

The Sender's Name

Enc :

Hope it is helpful
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