Write a letter to the chief minister of your State discussing with him you view about your dream city
XYZ, Patel nagar
New Delhi
Feburary 13, 2020
The chief minster
Mr. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
New Delhi
subject: My Dream City
Respected Sir
Now , when your party has come into power and you have become the chief minister , we're hoping for a new and better city.
Youth would like to live in an environment where they have more freedom , better opportunities and positive environment.
In My dream city , women should feel safer as Delhi being one of the unsafest cities around the world .
Less pollution, more greenery and positivity are must .
No violence (either domestic or public),A place where we don't need to worry about thefts late at night or women being harrassed.
Hope that you and all of us will try and succeed in making it way we want our surroundings to be.
Thanking You
yours sincerely
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