Write a letter to the editor," Hindustan times "and request him to publish an article on growing crimes in your area, you are Smith living in b/19 galaxy apartment ,grant road , pune.
The letter is as following -
Mr, Smith,
B/9 Galaxy Apartment.
Grant Road, Pune
Date: 3rd June, 2019
The Editor,
Hindustan Times,
Sub: Request to publish an article on increasing
number of crimes in the area
It will be great if you kindly allow me to express my concern on the increasing number of crimes during the last few years in the society and the country.
The crime graph in the country has been increasing. This dramatic improvement in crimes is a cause of concern for all citizens. Crimes against women and children have increased drastically. The lack of moral educations and amplification of violence in the television programs, irresponsible behavior of police etc. are the reasons that lead people to crimes like bank robbery, eve-teasing, chain snatching, murder etc.
This situation must be tackled as soon as possible. To monitor and check crimes a multi-thorny strategy should be evolved. The public in large should be taught to respect the sanctity of life and individual liberty. A responsible positive role should be played by the media. The police force should be trained to handle, intelligently, the situation.
I will be highly obilized if you kindly look after my request to publish a article on your newspaper.
Thank you,
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Smith
B/19 Galaxy Apartment
Grant road
June 3, 2019
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Subject: Write article on increasing crimes in the city
I am writing to your good self to express my deep concern over increasing number of cases of crimes in Delhi. The incidents of gang wars, arms smuggling, burglaries, thefts, kidnapping, jewellery and purse snatching, mobile snatching, eve-teasing, rapes, etc. are on the increase. Last week a journalist was murdered while returning from work. There is an atmosphere of insecurity and fear in the capital.
If state of law and order is so pathetic in the capital, one can imagine the extent of crimes that might be happening across the rest of the country! What are security agencies and police doing?
I appeal to you to write articles on the subject to sensitize authorities and people towards the issue. Thanking you.
Yours truly,