Write a letter to the editor hindustan times petrol affect common people
H - 396 , Kartalpur
Harbajanpura , Chandigarh
Date : June 12th , 2019
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
P - 587 , East Highway , Chandigarh
Subject : Regarding the way petrol affects common people.
Dear Sir ,
Through this letter , I want to to draw my deep concerns & anguish over the rising & descending rate of petrol & how it affects the people here. The sudden rise in the cost of petrol makes the people to suffer from many inconveniences paying the cost of it per litre. Also , on the other hand , when the the cost goes down these people get a relief. These people are actually shaken in between the up & down in the price of petrol. Therefore , I request you to knock the government authorities to let them the price of petrol at an average cost so that these people could suffer less. Your help shall be appreciated.
Yours sincerely,