write a letter to the editor hindustan times registering your protest against government/local body's apathy towards cleanliness in the city during days of reported outbreak of cholera in the city and mogration of people to other cities
The Editor,
Hindustan Times,
India 123455.
Rheema Shen,
6876 Roman Drive,
India 123454
Date: 5th June 2019
Sub: Concern for the cleanliness over the outbreak of Cholera in the city.
Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your notice the concern for the required cleanliness over the outbreak of Cholera in the city.
As we are aware of the recorded outbreak of Cholera in the city, we are the eyewitnesses for the low-grade cleanliness maintenance in certain areas of the city, some of the areas being — Rujan Vale, Riana Drive, Rosewood Ave, Raja Mahal, Trivana Jamkala and more. Due to the open drains, open trash bins and other various factors, the Cholera is being fast spread and the residents of the city are being affected vitally.
There is any immediate need to take necessary actions to implement the schemes for better cleanliness of the city and to save peoples’ lives. Like people from certain few areas are migrated to safe place temporarily, there are many other areas that have been attacked by the disease. Also, people have been migrating to other cities leaving their precious homes to save themselves. Rather. It is very much important to maintain the cleanliness which would provide a better life to the citizens.
Request you to please throw light on the issue and urge the authorities to take immediate steps to save the people.
Thanking you Sir.
Yours Sincerely,
Rheema Shen.