English, asked by HemalPanchal, 1 year ago

Write a letter to the Editor of a daily newspaper highlighting the problem of corruption. also suggest some way to check it.​


Answered by rohanpawar10906


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The Editor,

The Tribune,



Kindly publish my views on the ways and means to tackle corruption in ‘Debate’ column of your esteemed daily.

Increasing corruption in public life is a growing nuisance. It is assuming dangerous proportions and taking the form of a cancer in the social life of the day. The best way to tackle this problem is to create a social awareness amongst the people on this very important issue. The corrupt elements should be thoroughly exposed and given an exemplary punishment. Those who bring the cases of corruption to the notice of the authorities should be publicly humored and richly rewarded. Working in all government offices should be made transparent. Big signboard asking people not to pay any unauthorized money or bribe to anybody should be put up in all offices. Red tap should be reduced to the minimum. Deterrent punishments should be given to those public servants who delay the work without rhyme or reason. Some of these steps will go a long way in tackling corruption in public life.

With thanks,

Yours truly,

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Answered by gauripopli007


your address


The Editor,

Hindustan Times,

New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Every day newspapers tell us heart-rending stories of many incidents of fraud. In offices, no file moves until the dealing officials get money.   In police stations, no case is registered unless the affected party pleases the Officials. No doubt, it is not the same everywhere but it is true that in the majority of the cases it happens like this.

In our society, honest and gentle people are few in number. The majority is of corrupt people. The techniques that we use to cheat others are quite amazing. In performing negative actions, we are at the top.

As a responsible citizen, I request the concerned authorities to write an article in your newspaper and make people aware to stop corruption.

I will be very grateful to you.

Yours truly

your name

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