Write a letter to the editor Of a famous newspaper to notify the problems faced by people of your area due to dirty sourroun
I think it's your required answrr

H:No 2/12/145
Library Road
Chennai , Tamilnadu
Date: 24 March 2021
The Editor,
The Hindustani Times
Chennai, Tamilnadu
Subject :
Problems Faced due to dirty surroundings
I am saanvi from library road. People of our location are really suffering a lot with the unhygienic surroundings.
There is no drainage system in our area, Drains are not properly covered. Dustbins are not regularly cleaned. Water bodies are filled with waste material. Mosquitoes are increasing day-by-day. No steps are taken to rectify these problems. We had given complaints but all in vain.
Through your esteemed newspaper, kindly highlight our problem. We expect the concerned authorities would take an action. Hope my views will find place in your newspaper paper.
Yours truly
Saanvi Reddy
⇢Formal letters include business letters, application for job , letters to editor letter to principal/Officer's and letters of complaint to authorities.
⇢ The letter is written to communication on official purpose and The letter is writing in formal language.
⇢ Write your address and the receiver'saddress in the top right corner.
⇢ Use Dear Madman/ sir for salutation.
⇢ Split the letter into three paragraphs
Hope this helps!