Write a letter to the editor of a leading daily advocating the need for people to obey traffic rules for safety, to be law-abiding citizens, to wear helmets and to put on seat belts when driving on road. You are Manu/Meera, C-65, MG Street, Mumbai.
Letter to the Editor:-
C-65, MG Street,
January 29, 2021
The Editor
The Hindu,
Press Complex, Mumbai
Subject: Need for people to obey traffic rules for safety
Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed daily, I would like to highlight the importance of obeying traffic rules while driving on road.
In the present scenario, the cases of road accidents are surging like anything. This is primarily due to the fact that people are not willing o abide by the safety rules of wearing a helmet when riding a two-wheeler and putting on seat-belts in a car.
Citizens must be sensitized to abide by these rules else the trend of unsafe driving will continue. It should be reminded that "speed thrills, but kills"
I really hope this letter finds a place in your daily.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
The Editor
Journal Newspaper,
Respected Sir,
I would like to bring your attention towards the increase in the number of private vehicles coupled with the lack of civic sense, which has lead to severe road accidents in our city. Among them are the youngsters who highly lack patience and many of these drive like reckless drivers. Everyone on road should follow safety protocols, wear helmets and use seat belts to protect themselves and others also
It is the responsibility of parents to make them used to Public transport. It is beneficical to control the traffic as well as to limit the road accidents. More vehicles means more pollution, more traffic and more global warming as well
I would like to use this platform to raise this awareness. I hope this small piece of advise will find some place in your newspaper and people would think to shift back to public transport.
C-65, MG Street, Mumbai.