Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper expressing your concern about cyber crimes and how children are getting affected of it.
Letter ..✍️
ABC Colony
XYZ City
February 19th, 2019
The Editor
The Hindustan Times
Sub - < u > The importance of saving water. < /u ><u>Theimportanceofsavingwater.</u>
Through the columns of your admiring newspaper , I want to express my views and opinions on the importance of saving water.
Water is necessary for the survival of human life. While the supply seems abundant, water is not a limitless resource, particularly the fresh potable water most necessary to human survival. Without the efforts of conservation, this vital supply of water may be exhausted. As Conservation carries economic benefits as well, as energy and equipment are also conserved as a direct result of water preservation efforts. So , it's much necessary to save water as they are the most significant resource of the planet.
Yours affectionately!
- Mohit