Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the desirability of observing etiquette while boarding a crowded bus or train
No.10, villa estate
Santa Cruz
Mumbai – 400 020
1st March, 2017
The Edior
The Hindu
Mumbai – 400 002
Dear Sir,
Sub.: Etiquette to be observed while boarding a bus/train.
It is a pathetic scenario one would get to see while waiting to board a bus or train during peak hours on working days. Our population problem could be well witnessed there. People are always in a hurry and no time to think of others that they, push, dig and stamp others to get into the crowded bus.
The government has built rails to streamline the crowd but no use. Nuisance mongers will always jump in-between the line to get into the bus. The ones who suffer the most are the old people and young children.
The problem could be reduced if people observe some etiquette, like, standing in the queue, starting early to office and asking “sorry” if they had hurt someone by mistake. For this, the newspaper can play an important part by publishing a one page article with photographs of the misery faced by others and it should be done frequently because people have a” bad memory”
We request you to help the community by publishing this letter in your
Thanking you,
Your’s sincerely,
XYZ Newspaper
New Delhi
Respected Sir,
As you know that these days it has become very difficult for ladies and elderly to board a train or bus because of misbehaving men.People need to behave properly in public places and specially in trasport.There has to be some strict rules to be obeyed for example not to overload buses or train.Secondly to behave respectfully with elder citizens,women and children.If people do not follow then severe fine has to be there.I really feel too bad to hear or read news of some or the other incidents in the newspapers.Kindly publish an article on this issue in your esteemed newspaper to bring the seriousness of the issue in light.
Thanking you