Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper on the inlifted garbage
23 Block-C
Sector 39
Noida 201301
4th January 2018
The Editon
Navbharat Times
507 Hailey Marg
Greater Noida
Subject:- Piling up of inlifted garbage
Dear Sir,
I am Nonsamurai2014, President of the RWA of Sector 39, Noida. Your newspaper is popularly read in and around my locality and hence, I wish to point out a very serious concern existing in Sector 39.
For over a month all the sector's garbage has been piling up in one heap, causing immense discomfort to the residents. The smell as well as pests are leading to several complaints. Such amount of garbage also results in spread of contagious diseases which affect the health of the residents.
You are requested to take immediate action regarding the above-mentioned issue.
I look forward to a favourable response within the next few days and hope this concern will warrant immediate action