English, asked by mbaidyanath479, 1 year ago

Write a letter to the editor of an English newspaper about the spurt or rise in anti social activities in your area


[your address]

1st February, 2018

The Editor,
Times of India,
[your locality]

Subject : complaint against increasing anti - social activities

I wanted to bring an issue into light. Nowadays it is seen that there is a drastic increase in the anti - social activities taking place all around. This is a matter of serious concern. Youngsters are observed to have been robbing people openly.

In our area there are some liquor shops that are unauthorised and yet no action is taken. A gang of bikers rob people in mid -way and still there is no response towards this from the police. I wanted to report all of these problems.

Kindly take some initiative towards this. I hope that you do the needful. Thank you for your precious time.

Yours sincerely,
Answered by naz99


The Editor, Hindustan Times, New Delhi-01.

It is through your esteemed newspaper that I would to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities towards the sudden spurt in the anti-social activities in our locality recently. There are frequent incidences of snatching, burglary and theft. In addition in a few days there were incidences of car lifting also. Last Sunday, armed thieves broke out into the house of our neighbourhood and killed the young couple. They also decamped with articles worth a few lakhs of rupees.

Eve-teasing has become rampant. It has become a problem for the parents of the area to send their daughters to schools and colleges. The hoodlums in groups sit at the corner and some particular points and hurl indecent remarks at the girls going to schools and colleges. The anti-social elements roam about on motor cycles and indulge in socially unacceptable behaviour.

This decline in moral character of the youth is a cause of great concern. The mushrooming of video parlour and showing lewd films there have a direct impact on the immature mind of the youth. Besides, the intrusion of foreign media has also caused to decline in our moral value. Above all, our education system has failed in inculcating moral values in them. Growing materialism has contributed to erosion in our social values; all these factors have combined to lead an increase in the incidents of crime. This attitude of the police has helped to embolden the criminals. Consequently, our safety and security are in danger.

The situation is likely to further deteriorate if stern actions are not taken against those involved. Our police should be commanded to be efficient and prompt in handling such incidents so that we can have a civil society in which one has a dignified life with complete security and safety.

I am confident that concerned authorities will awake and arise against the rising incidences of crime in our locality. If allowed unchecked it will destroy the fabric of social mores.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,



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