English, asked by akanshasingh4625, 5 hours ago

write a letter to the editor of any national daily ( national newspaper) highlighting the importance of modern gadgets during covid-19 pandemic situation.

please give me the right answer ​


Answered by arjun8114


New Delhi

26th September 2020

The Editor

The Times

New Delhi

Subject: An a ppeal to raise a concern about the improper disposal of protective masks


With great admi ration and be lief in the colu mns of your ne wspaper, I se ek to bri ng to your kind n otice that face masks, which are used ex tensively for ind ividual pr otection agains t Covid-19, are be ing dis po sed off in im  p roper p laces by a se ction of peo ple.

With the conce rns su rrounding the spr ead of Covid-19 a lo ng with the exten sive eff orts of the gover nment to crea te aw arene ss ab out the nec essity of prote ctive meas ures, face ma sks are being used by mo re and m ore people to pro tect them selves from the dis ease. While this is a goo d thing, the pr oblem ari ses w ith the carel ess thro wing of these ma sks in pla ces su ch as roadsi des, w ater bo dies etc. by people ig norant of the ha rm it can ca use.

Hence, through the pa ges of your este emed new spaper, I would like to app eal to the pe ople of our co untry to refr ain from careles sly throw ing their used ma sks sin ce it increases the cha nces of people being inf ected by unint ention ally co ming into cont act with it. Ins tead, m asks should bed isposed of in desig nat ed p laces with pro per saf ety m easures.

Thanking you in anticip ation

Yours sincerely,



brainliest pls

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