write a letter to the editor of daily newsaper hilighting the importance of wearing mask,hand sanitizers and social distancing
Any child who has symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 should wear a medical mask, as long as they can tolerate it. The child should be isolated, and medical advice sought as soon as they start to feel unwell, even if symptoms are mild.
Family members/caregivers who come within 1 metre of the sick child at home should also wear a mask. A household member who is sick or has tested positive with the virus that causes COVID-19 should be isolated from everyone else if possible. If the child comes within 1 metre of the sick person at home, the adult and child should wear a medical mask during that time.
Clean hands and cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or bent elbow at all times. Avoid crowded places, close-contact settings and confined and enclosed spaces with poor ventilation. Ensure good ventilation in indoor settings, including homes and offices.
Stay home if feeling unwell and call your medical provider as soon as possible to determine whether medical care is needed. In countries or areas where COVID-19 is circulating, health workers should use medical masks continuously during all routine activities in clinical areas in health care facilities.