Write a letter to the editor of Hindustan Times about the exploitation of child labour
45 RTO Road Sikar
7 Jan. 2020
The Editor The Times of India
Sub: Child Labour in India
Sir, Child labour is banned in India by the government but still, we can see a lot of children working at many places. It’s a shameful condition of India that even after 65 years of independence these children have tools instead of books. Children can be seen in hotels, factories, industries, fields, farms, roads, streets, homes etc. working only to satisfy their hunger. Government should implement the laws effectively. Regular monitoring of RTE should be done. Employers should be punished. Poverty eradication steps should be taken by the government. Parents and guardians should be provided sufficient employment to earn livelihood. Newspapers and media should awaken public in this matter. Seriousness by all is needful.
Thanking you
Yours truly
Brahmanand Dadheech