English, asked by Tejanshusethi6394, 11 months ago

Write a letter to the editor of newsapaper about the polluted water supply in your area


Answered by aditya659915


#23/7 Street Motor Toward,

Delhi 000000

3rd May, 2020

The Editor,

The Hindus,

Delhi -000000

Subject : Article pertaining the polluted water supply in Motor Nagar.

Dear Sir,

I would like you to print the following article in your esteemed newspaper and create awareness about growing danger of polluted water supply.

A time had been when people use to bathe in rivers, put as the mankind have being advancing the side effects are sprouting with the same pace. People might see vast seas and oceans, and be relaxed they will not face water crises. But hardly most of them know of something called 'freshwater'. With unchecked growing population the demand for land, food, water, has also escalated. Many industries have been set up to meet the requirements of a Nation and outside too. Industrieswould have been problem, but unscrupulous business minded Industrialists discharge the chemical effluents without treatment. The authorities are corrupt and with some bribe given they too become ignornant these things.

This have resulted in polluted water for all. The supplyin our area is very much polluted. The carelessness of water supply municipality and industrialist had shown these days. It's 5he need of hour that some firm action is taken against these.

I, therefore, you to judge the gravityof the issue and print the articleto awaken the citizens to see the approaching crisis.

Yours Faithfully,


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