Write a letter to the editor of newspaper discussing the problem of drug abuse
the editor
the times of india
subject;discussing the problem of drug abuse
i am writing this letter to you sir good self to express my deep concern and anguish over the problem of drug abuse. When a loved one is struggling with addiction, families and other loved ones need fast, reliable information on how they can help, what signs to look for, as well as the consequences of substance abuse. Addiction is a complicated subject, and there are many opinions as to how it develops and progresses. However, for the millions of individuals who have suffered from an addiction, it has become a way of life.
The effects of drug addiction on an individual may vary but generally worsen over time. It’s easy to ignore the signs at first but as addiction progresses they become obvious. Learning how to spot the signs may one day save a loved one’s life.
One important aspect of addiction to remember when confronting someone you may believe to be using drugs is to remember that they may become hostile when confronted about their use. You should never approach them in anger no matter how bad the addiction has become.
addiction is a condition characterized by repeated,complusive seeking and use of drugs or alchocal or any other It is usually accompanied by psychological and physical dependence on the abused substance and the appearance of withdrawal symptoms when the addictive substance is rapidly decreased or terminated. When addiction exists, the drug use controls the individual rather than the individual controlling the usage. When a person loses the ability to make a rational choice about whether or not to use a drug or alcohol, he or she is addicted.
Thanking you in anticipation.
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