English, asked by marmankhan125p96fas, 1 year ago

Write a letter to the editor of newspaper in about 150 to 175 words on the issue of religious discrimination


Answered by yuvi825


kuleshra noida

utaar pradesh

crimination is a two-way street and there is just and unjust discrimination. Christians who refuse to celebrate a same-sex marriage using their God-given talents, and gays living in a comfortable community, are both examples of “just” discrimination. Forcing a Christian to be involved in a ceremony against his religious beliefs, and businesses refusing to sell products or services to gay customers simply because they are gay, are “unjust” discriminations.

If there are state discrimination laws that are being violated, then those laws are constructed poorly and should be revised. Gay rights end where individual unalienable rights begin. There should be no special rights and no favored classes in these United States. We are all equal under the law.

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