Write a letter to the Editor of The Hindustan Times about the misuse and poor maintenance of the public park???
senders address
the editor
the times of Hindustan
sub - letter to the editor about poor maintenance of public park.
Sir / madam
I wnat to draw the attention of concerned authorities towards the lack and poor maintenance of public park on our area.
In our locality the maintenance of our public park is not suitable or comfortable there is the lack of facilities available there.
so I want that u should pls edit our request to the Front page of your news paper we can help us to move out of this problem.
your sincerely
The Editor,
The Hindustan Times, New Delhi-110001.
It is through your esteemed newspaper that I would like to draw the kind attention of the authorities of the Municipal Corporation towards the poor maintenance of the public park in our area.
This is the only park in Sudershan Park. But the park has been turned into a dumping ground. There are heaps of dirt and litter all around. Some portion of it has been encroached by the property dealers and land owners of the adjoining area. Once the park used to be well maintained and lush green, having all seasonal flowers and decorative plants. Now it wears a deserted and abandoned look.
Residents of the area are, to a great extent, responsible for the neglected condition of the park. The park is used for wedding and other celebrations and left-overs are thrown here and there. This provides a grazing ground for the stray animals. They also produce dirt and litter.
I hope the concerned authorities will intervene to check the degeneration of the park and attempt to bring back the lost beauty of it.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,