English, asked by ajaygoyal761pb67dv, 1 year ago

Write a letter to the editor of the times of India highligetling yours concern about the menace of polybags


Answered by bhrthimanshu
33 Mohan Nagar
New Delhi

Date. 1july18

The Editor
The the times of India
New Delhi

Subject -letter for minimum use of poly bags

Sir, through the column of your extreme newspaper. I want to draw the kind attention of the readers towards minimum use of poly bags or don't use the poly bags because they dirty our environment that's why many causes for the same like air pollution,water pollution etc when our environment is not clean they fall many diseases.
I think we are taking decision about this for don't use of poly bags only use paper bags and cloth bags.
I hope you will publish my news as early as possible
Yours faithfully
Hope you help this
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