Write a letter to the editor's heightening water crisis and the importance of water.
CQ1, Sungrove Apartments
MG road
11th November 20xx
The Editor
The Hindu
Subject- Heightening water crisis and the importance of water
Dear Sir,
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the public to the concerned issue.
Water is a gift to us from our Mother Earth. Every living being in this planet has the right to access this gift. But to satisfy the greed of a few individuals, uneven distribution of water is taking place within the society. This has caused water crisis in many countries of the world which are not even able to access this renewable resource. The rate of consumption of water by us is more than the rate at which it is replenished throgh the water cycle. This has reduced the water resources in our planet. No living being can live without water for even a day as it helps in hydrating our body and also in various biological processes which take plce within our body. The rich and the powerful should leave their greed for more water resources and they should also make sure that evenly distribution of water within the society takes place. Clean and sagfe water shotuld be provided to all. The authorites concerned can also play a major role in the success of the measures.
Let us strive for world where everyone is equal and are not denied the gifts of Mother Nature.
Thanking you
Yours faithfully