English, asked by Arjita3228, 11 months ago

Write a letter to the editor tell him about Health Hazard


Answered by uditi4singh
Various points which can be included while composing this speech are:

Hectic pace of life is making it difficult for people to maintain a healthy diet;

A lot of working parents don't want to struggle with the issues so they give up, letting kids make their own choices;

Most kids are attracted to the advertising and packaging of food, including highly sugared cereals.

Developing children's attitude toward food should be similar to teaching them how to handle money – by giving them growing responsibility along with sensible access.

Parents should carefully read food labels to check nutrients and ingredients.

Teenagers like to experiment with everything, including risky food behaviour. They might gravitate toward highly processed foods, but once they become older and more independent they are likely to return to the healthy habits they had growing up.

"If you see a real eating problem and there is anger and conflict," advise psychiatrists, "seek professional intervention." Helpful support of family, friends and healthcare professionals is the best method for addressing eating disorders.

Various side effects of eating disorders are distress, fear of becoming overweight, feelings of helplessness and low self-esteem.

To cope with these issues, children and teens may adopt harmful eating habits. In fact, eating disorders often go hand-in-hand with other psychiatric problems such as the anxiety disorders, depression and substance abuse.

Eating disorders in children and teens cause serious changes in eating habits that can lead to major, even life threatening health problems. Three of such health problems are anorexia, Bulimia and Binge-eating.


Answered by Anonymous

Hey mate!

Thank you for asking this question! ❤



63 - Mahendranagar

New Delhi

8th August, 2018


The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi

Sub: Health hazards caused by junk food

Sir / Madam:

I am writing this letter to draw your attention towards the health hazards of junk food. The name itself indicates that junk food is "junk" that is useless or of no value. This is what today's generation eats, the food with no value. There are numerous harmful effects of junk food.

Eating fast food or junk food can cause obesity in teens, it can have a harmful effect on health, make a person overweight and also leads to the higher risk of heart attacks and diseases. Healthy and nutritious food should be eaten in order to maintain your health, especially teenagers. Junk food can also cause diabetes in old age.

Taking junk food is good if it's taken once in two or three weeks, but on daily basis, it's not good and people easily get addicted to fast-food. There are also a lot of healthy dishes that you can make at home and then have the same fun as eating the junk food without any bad effects on health.

Thereby, I would kindly request you to please publish a nice article in the columns of your esteemed newspaper raising my concern about the health hazards of junk food.

Yours faithfully

Dev Kumar


Hope it helps you! ヅ

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