Write a letter to the Editor, The
Times of India, complaining
about cutting down of trees in
The Editor
The Times of India,
Subject : Complaint for cutting down of trees in Ajni.
Respected Sir,
I would like to bring your attention to the current scenario of how badly the trees are been cut down to a great extent in Ajni. This can result in many hazardous consequences.
For their own needs people are cutting down a number of trees in order to build their houses or establish factories and industries with knowing what can it result to. If we will cut tress tremendously then we may have to face global warming, pollution, decrease in natural vegetation and extinction of animals. We can only live happily if we have proper environment around us.
Therefore, we should find an alternative for this and should reduce the cutting down of trees so that we can live safe and sound.
Yours sincerely,
Amit (Your name)