English, asked by sunakshiNavya, 1 year ago

write a letter to the editor, the tribune on the transitory nature of gadgets and gizmos


Answered by upenderjoshi28

15 – A

Green Gardens

Phase 7


August 23, 2018

The Editor

The Tribune

Phase 7


Subject: Transitory nature of gadgets and gizmos


I am writing this letter to express my concern over the issue of young generation’s growing addiction to gadgets and gizmos. It appears as if the children in the contemporary times can’t live without these gadgets and gizmos. Mobile phones, I pads, laptops, and TVs have done the maximum damage. They remain glued to the screens of their gadgets, wasting their precious time. Later on, after growing up they will realize their mistakes.

These gadgets and gizmos should not be given so much of importance. In order to be successful one really has to work hard and become a specialist in at least one filed. One can’t do that with the aid of gadgets and gizmos. As one grows older, one realizes, like everything else gadgets and gizmos are also transitory. They are the distractions.

I appeal to elderly people, teachers, educationists, and the Government authorities to look into the matter and make some policies to wean children away from the ill effects of gadgets and gizmos. They should be there; but they must not be allowed to be misused. Kindly give my views some space in your esteemed daily.

Thanking you.

Yours truly,

Upen Sharma

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