write a letter to the G.P Pradhan Income Cirtificate
The Panchayat Pradhan Date: …../…../….
[Name of the Panchayat Pradhan]
[Name of the village, district]
Sub: [Application for……………]
On the behalf of resident of [Name of the village], I have the honor to inform you that I am [Name of the applicant]. I live at [Name of the village] under [Name of the Gram Panchayate]. The inhabitants of this village are suffering from [Name of the problem].
[Write something about the topic]
Therefore, I earnestly request you to take proper steps for [Name of the topic] as early as possible. People will always remain grateful to you, if [Name of the topic] is solved.
Yours faithfully
Name of the applicant
On the behalf of the villagers of [Name of the village]
write your name,village name, topic etc..