English, asked by ghoshsumit556, 6 months ago

write a letter to the hm to increase computer and digital class​


Answered by sunmoon28



The Headmaster,

school name



Sub: Request for introducing Computer-Aided Learning

I, am Subhadeep Maity, an ex-student of your school, would like to draw your kind attention to the fact that the teaching techniques based in chalk and talk are being replaced by Computer-Aided Learning (CAL). This new technology has brought about a radical change in classroom practices all over the world. This new practice of gradual teaching-learning through computers with learning through computers with learning packages or materials is very helpful in achieving educational objectives. The visual, animated learning materials not only help to memorize the tough topics at ease but also act as virtual laboratory experiments. Some so-called hard subjects, such as Mathematics, English, Science etc. become easy and joyful. This audiovisual technique helps and motivates Children with Special Needs (CWSN). CAL is sure to serve as a better teaching-learning material. It will reduce drop out, repetition rate and will enhance the achievements of the learners. An analysis of DISE data shows both the quantitative and qualitative improvement of the educational scenario after the introduction of CAL in several schools.

Yours obediently,


state name



i think it's helpful to you

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