Write a letter to the JetBlue Airlines regarding poor
service of their airlines.
Chandroday Nagar,
24th June, 2020.
The Manager,
Jet Blue Airlines,
Amausi Airport,
Subject : Poor service of you Airlines.
Respected Sir / Madam,
My flight from IAD to LAX on the 27th was somewhat of a disappointment. My overhead light was inoperable. The majority of the flight was at night with a full passenger load, and there was no place to move. I was counting on that flight time to finish my end-of-the-month report due the next morning. As it turned out, without that simple little thing — the overhead light — I had to spend two and one half hours at home late that evening finishing the report.
I fly United Airlines as my primary airline, and this type of thing is not common. I am very well taken care of by the management and staff of United. I know that you will make this simple and unfortunate situation right with me. The defective light was over seat 5A. Please fix the issue before another passenger is negatively effected.
I look forward to your rectifying this situation.
Thank You
Friend, if my answer helps you, then pls mark me as the brainliest.
Thank You
Have a good day.