English, asked by sshanshank2008, 3 months ago

Write a letter to the police officer of your circle about the continuous chain
snatching in your area. Suggest the ways o prevent this problem.​


Answered by guptapriya0203

7G, Rainbow Colony,

M.G. Road,

Sangli- 416 416. 16th December 2008


The Police Inspector,

Gamdevi Police Station,


Subject complaint regarding Incidence of chain-snatching

Dear Sir,

Surely you must be aware of this horrifying act of criminality which Is on

the rise in Gamdevi. Surely you have recelved complaints of 'chain snatching for many residents In our locality. The local newspapers carry such reports almost everyday. Women are hesitant to walk alone on the roads, even during the day, for fear that some roughnecks might swoop by on motorbikes and one of them might suddenly reach out and snatch thelr mangalsutras of

gold chains from their necks. These acts of daylight robbery cause

Immense traumato the victims. What Is worse, they could even cause Immense physical harm to the victim. The residents In our area are amazed that day-light patrolling by the police has not yet started. Obviously it is one particular gang of youth who are behind this acts. Please take urgent steps to ride our locallty of these dally fear. The attacks must stop Immediately, or else we will be

forced to come out in the street with agitations.

Answered by ramayyaramayya196545


I am not sure about the same

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