English, asked by ShariyaFaisal2622, 8 months ago

Write a letter to the registrar of the college, expressing your views on the important of speaking english language in and out of campus.


Answered by Mysterioushine

Format of a Formal letter :

➝ Sender's address

➝ Date

➝ Reciever's address

➝ Subject of the letter

➝ Salutation

➝ Body

➝ Complementary close

➝ Name/Signature

Required Letter :

ABC Colony ,

XYZ City.




The Registrar

(Name of the college) ,

XYZ City.


Subject : Expressing my veiws on Importance of speaking english language in and out of the campus.


Respected Sir ,

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I would like to express my views on Importance of speaking english language in and out of the campus. English is plays an important role in our lives.English is the most effective means of giving fullest expression to one's thoughts and feelings . English has the largest communicative facility and helps exchange of ideas in all fields with people of all nations. It is necessary for both self-expression and broadening one's intellectual horizons.It enhances the good communication skills , speaking skills. It also effects the Career of the person.


Thanking you ,


Yours truly ,


@Mysterioushine. \\

Answered by abdulrubfaheemi

Format of a Formal letter :

➝ Sender's address

➝ Date

➝ Reciever's address

➝ Subject of the letter

➝ Salutation

➝ Body

➝ Complementary close

➝ Name/Signature

Required Letter :

ABC Colony ,

XYZ City.




The Registrar

(Name of the college) ,

XYZ City.


Subject : Expressing my veiws on Importance of speaking english language in and out of the campus.


Respected Sir ,

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀I would like to express my views on Importance of speaking english language in and out of the campus. English is plays an important role in our lives.English is the most effective means of giving fullest expression to one's thoughts and feelings . English has the largest communicative facility and helps exchange of ideas in all fields with people of all nations. It is necessary for both self-expression and broadening one's intellectual horizons.It enhances the good communication skills , speaking skills. It also effects the Career of the person.


Thanking you ,


Yours truly ,


@abdulrubfaheemi \begin{gathered}\\\end{gathered}

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