write a letter to the September meeting issue
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to express my sincere apology for being absent from the meeting that was scheduled for 8th September 2020. It was indispensable for every employee to attend as it was about the reopening of the restaurant which had been closed for a couple of months. I know you have been very kind and thoughtful not only to me but also to others. You wanted to make us aware of some rules and precautions while carrying out duties. It was a terrible blunder on my part that I could not attend this meeting.
Let me explain the reason for my absence that was unavoidable. As I was on the way to attend the meeting, I had been told by one of my neighbors that my mother had a serious heart attack and she was hospitalized. This news was a bolt from Blue for me and I turned back home.
I know I have let you down. I could have informed you but the situation didn’t allow me as I was more worried and panicked about my mother’s health. You know I have always prioritized my work and have never ever disrespected and disobeyed you by showing irregularities. Would you be kind enough to reschedule the meeting for any other day or if there is anything else that I can do to fix things and regain your trust, let me know?
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest.
Yours Sincerely,
This is the End of the GT Writing
The head of Department,
XYZ, Block
New Delhi, India
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Sub :- A meeting issue to be Held on September.
Respected Sir,
With the concern from the locality, we want to give the best to them as possible , in our society there are many other things need to be changed . Good availability of transportation and water system including good supply of electricity and providing a cleanliness environment to the people of our society . We are lacking in many problems for which we couldn't give the best outfit for our peoples . So we called out this meeting for an open discussion regarding the betterment of our society for which we can grow and considered to be as a well-known society in our city .
Thanking You,
Yours Sincerely