Write a letter to your brother telling him to important of the english language
Dear Vansh,
How are you ? How is your study going.
whe' are your exams. I am writting this letter to you for telling you the importance of English. I think nowdays english is most powerfull and usefull language. You must attain the classes of english and should prefer books of english.
Hope to see ya soon!
- MissExclusive (Your name)
Dear Sharif.
At first take my cordial love.
Hope you are well with all of my family member.
I am very happy that,you wanted to know about the importance of learning engliah.You may know that aabout Search English group.You also will be glad to know that, I am member of this group,and now I can write there easily,now I can speak here fluently..
Anyway, come to the point.
English is very needful in everywhere.without english we can’t think anything.Without english you can’t able to know anything. without english you can’t get a good job.without english you can’t go abroad for your study purpose… English still has a commanding position in every sphare of our life.It is very needful for you.It is high time to realised the importance of learning English…..
I hope this letter of mine you will find you hale and hearty…
Yours ever