Write a letter to your cousin
congratulating her on being
selected in the final round of
Inter - school winning competition
and wishing her good luck for
the competition.
dear cousin brother adhitya,
im your cousin sister priya congarats you re selected on inter school wining competition. i m wishing for competition and all the best good luck
your's lovingly
Hey friend!
12th April, 2020
ABC Apartments
Dear cousin,
How are you? I am great! I have heard that you are selected for the final round of singing competition in your school. I am so happy for you. You completely deserve to win the competition as you have such a sweet and a clear voice. You have all the wishes from my side. I am sure your parents are super happy about this. I am also too excited. From the bottom of my heart, I want you to win the competition. Well, I would love to ask a favour, and that is can you please record your songs? I would love to listen to your sweet voice. Again, wishing you all the best for your competition. Rock it!
Your loving cousin,