write a letter to your family about your experience with covid 19
Bhaskarapuram ,
Date :- 21 March 2021.
Dear Mother,
Hope you and Daddy and Sister are doing well. Here I am also fine. Here I am writing my exams ver well. In this letter I would like to share my experience with Covid - 19.
As we all know that it was almost one year over our journey wil Covid. It was occured in the ending of 2019. Now it was the year 2021. At some stage of this pandemic we heard that cases are decreasing. All shopping malls , schools , theaters are also opened here. All are continuing there work asusual including me too. In news they are saying that again Covid cases are increasing.
Yesterday when I went to Mall I saw that so many people are crowded. All the people are rushing here and there. Not following the social distance. Atleast some fellows not kept Masks also. By seeing this I felt very fear and may be due to this reason the cases are again increasing.
But however you don't bother about me I am following Social Distance. Using both Sanitizer as well as Masks also. I will come to home as soon as the exams will over.
My greeting to Dad and Sister.
Your Lovingly ,
B-7 Sandhe Park
Behind Madhav baug
Date:30th March 2021
Dear family,
I hope you all are healthy and fine and doing well. Here I am very serious about this Covid 19.It spreads all over the world. Now it spreads easily and quickly. Many people died due to this virus. So my school is closed.
Here in our school many childrens and teachers caught corona virus because they didn't follow social distancing and sometimes they don't wear mast, do not use sanitizer but I am different from them. For safety I follow social distancing, wear two mask and after 1 classes get over I use Sanitizer.
I am missing you lot. Hope we will meet soon with together family. Take care of yours..
Your lovingly,