English, asked by sonamgyampo7037, 10 months ago

Write a letter to your friend declining the invention due to pandemic.covid 19


Answered by potumeghana48114


dear friend,..........

to day I am going to say u about pendamic covid-19

When someone asks you to hang out in person during a pandemic, it's not it's an easy "yes" — but, it's also not an easy "no."

On the one hand, you probably have at least one family member, friend or a friend-of-a-friend who's had COVID-19. And, depending on where you live, COVID-19 cases may actually be back on the rise. So, logistically speaking, you know that attending a social gathering isn't the best idea.

On the other hand, we're all eager to see out family and friends again. Plus, it's not like your reason for saying no is as simple as it was back in the old days.

Here's what to consider when a friend or loved one asks you to hang out in person, why it's okay to say "no" and tips for doing so confidently and politely.

Do you know the risks — as well as your comfort level with them?

Adjusting to life during COVID-19 can take a toll on your mental health — there are so many things out of your control. It may be a tough pill to swallow, but one thing you can control is how many risks you're taking during this pandemic — even if those risks may be beneficial to your emotional well being.

While it's possible to plan an in-person hangout that's somewhat safe, it's inconvenient. Spending more than 15 minutes within 6 feet of another person increases your risk of catching and spreading COVID-19 — especially if that person is being less cautious than you are.

The decision to attend a social gathering is a highly personalized one and depends on whether or not you:

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