Write a Letter to your friend describing your Summer Holidays.
I hope this letter finds you in peak health. I was elated to hear from your mother of your admission to Ohio State University. My very natural best wishes for your undergraduate life aside, I would be looking forward for your letter, once you have been acclimatized to this new milieu, describing the minutiae of the system itself. Perhaps I may be able to add substantial nuance to my past utopian understanding of the U.S. education system.
Times, needless to say, have changed. No longer are summer vacations typified by the joyful innocence of yore, long hours of cricket in the dappled afternoon sun, disregardful of the protests of worried mothers back home. No longer do there prevail accusations of cheating back and forth; no longer do we behave as if our group contretemps would be the basis of a third world war. No longer, in essence, are we any close to savouring summer vacations with such abandon as we would once as school-going children.
Do convey my best regards to your family.
Yours truthfully
Tejas Saxena