English, asked by MrKhush, 4 months ago

Write a letter to your friend expressing your feelings on the pandemic situation of

Covid-19. Take help of the following points:

a) the good and not so good effects of lockdown

b) the good qualities displayed by people

c) the precautionary measures to be undertaken​


Answered by kookie2787


COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown has brought about a sense of fear and anxiety around the globe. This phenomenon has led to short term as well as long term psychosocial and mental health implications for children and adolescents. The quality and magnitude of impact on minors is determined by many vulnerability factors like developmental age, educational status, pre-existing mental health condition, being economically underprivileged or being quarantined due to infection or fear of infection.


This paper is aimed at narratively reviewing various articles related to mental-health aspects of children and adolescents impacted by COVID-19 pandemic and enforcement of nationwide or regional lockdowns to prevent further spread of infection.


We conducted a review and collected articles and advisories on mental health aspects of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. We selected articles and thematically organized them. We put up their major findings under the thematic areas of impact on young children, school and college going students, children and adolescents with mental health challenges, economically underprivileged children, impact due to quarantine and separation from parents and the advisories of international organizations. We have also provided recommendations to the above.


There is a pressing need for planning longitudinal and developmental studies, and implementing evidence based elaborative plan of action to cater to the psycho social and mental health needs of the vulnerable children and adolescents during pandemic as well as post pandemic. There is a need to ameliorate children and adolescents’ access to mental health support services geared towards providing measures for developing healthy coping mechanisms during the current crisis. For this innovative child and adolescent mental health policies policies with direct and digital collaborative networks of psychiatrists, psychologists, paediatricians, and community volunteers are deemed necessary

Answered by DivineEyes


Hey Mate, Here's your letter



Nice hearing from you, I'm glad to hear you're getting by okay in these grim times.   You asked how’s it going for us back here in New Zealand.   You would have heard that the whole country is locked down and with breaks for exercise and shopping, we’re all living under a sort of voluntary house arrest.

The start of the lock down triggered in me an old feeling from past years. It’s been quite a ride and we’ve found out some interesting things, even after just three days.

It’s possible to get by without organised sports, Friday drinks,Sunday drives, restaurant dinners, trips to the Op shop. We are apparently quite able to live without the TAB, without McDonalds, without prostitution. “The state is made up of a network of institutions and those institutions are simply not basically “nice.” Asking questions about the response also does not amount to minimising the threat that COVID-19 represents or thinking it is a conspiracy, or even that it’s being purposefully exploited right at the moment or whatever.

During the last few weeks, the capitalist class has shown they can make radical decisions. I’m hopeful that our side can too.

Best to your and yours,


Mark as Brainlist.

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