English, asked by sriganesh9098, 8 months ago

Write a letter to your friend im another school giving him/her three reasons why your school has been exccelling in academic work


Answered by Blossomfairy

To write : Informal Letter


Format of Informal Letter :

  • Address of Sender
  • Date
  • Dear .....
  • Body of letter
  • Yours loving .......
  • Signature of Sender

Required Informal Letter :

27 - A

Palm Street


30 October 2020

Dear Rashmi,

How are you ? I'm fit and fine here. Well today I'm writing this letter for telling you about three reason why our school has been excellence in academic work. Well the reasons are :

  1. Our school also focus on our studies as well as academic.
  2. They believe that our mind can be better in academic work.
  3. They conduct many academic activities.

These are the reasons. Well our school also performs good in studies. Now I'm ending this letter. Take care of your health.

Yours loving friend



Answered by Anonymous

To write:-

  • Informal letter

Format of informal Letter :-

  • Address of sender
  • Date
  • Dear..
  • Body of letter
  • Yours loving..
  • Signatureof sender

Required Informal Letter:-


Palm Street



Dear Rashmi,

How are you?I'm Fir and fine here. Well Doing I'm writing this letter for telling you three reasons Why our schools has been excellence in academic work.

Well the reasons are:-

  • Our schools also focus on studies as well as academic.

  • They believe that our mind can be better in academic work.

  • They conduct many academic activities.

These are the reasons. Well our schools also performs good In studies.Now I'm Ending this letter .Take care of your health.


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